ALP Identification

The DMPSÌýAdvanced Learning ProgramÌýscreens studentsÌýcontinuouslyÌýfor possible identification and subsequent programming and services.Ìý

All elementary schools administer a blanketÌýTest of Cognitive DevelopmentÌýtoÌýsecondÌýgraders.Ìý Building norms are used to determine outliersÌýwho areÌýtwoÌýstandard deviations from the norm in verbal, quantitativeÌýorÌýnon-verbal areas.ÌýCogATÌýis well-suited to help educators make important student placement decisionsÌýand serves as one of many indicatorsÌýin identifying students forÌýthe DMPSÌýAdvanced LearningÌýProgram. Exclusive features,Ìýsuch as the Ability Profile Score,Ìýcan be used to expand the educational opportunities of all studentsÌýin the classroom.Ìý

Advanced Learning Consultants work closely with classroom teachers in their Professional Learning Communities. This work has threeÌýprimary purposes: 1) the consultant assistsÌýthe teacher with using data to support flexible grouping, 2) the consultant assists the teacher withÌýadding depth and complexity to their tasks, and 3) the consultant can monitor students in conjunction with the classroom teacher to make sure we are not missingÌýuntapped potential.Ìý

Once theÌýconsultant sees a pattern of exceptional ability in a student, other sources of data are collected by the classroom teacher and the building consultant to createÌýan overview of trend dataÌýto determine if the student needs advanced learning opportunities.ÌýIn addition to collecting data that has already been collected, additional standardized and non-standardized assessments supported by research may be administered. These testing decisions areÌýadministeredÌýto best reveal the student’s strengths and needs.ÌýFor some students, the creation of a portfolio isÌýalsoÌýnecessary to clearly identify a student’s needs.Ìý

AÌýcomprehensive profileÌýprovidesÌýeachÌýfeederÌýpatternÌýthe information they need toÌýunderstand the student, assessÌýtheÌýstudent’s unique strengths and needs, and recommend appropriate programming options.ÌýTrend dataÌýisÌýused to provide a holistic look at each student’s strengths and needs, basedÌýuponÌýthe age and grade of the student, the school the student attends, and the preferences of the instructional leaders in the student’s school.ÌýÌý

At the conclusion ofÌýthe process,Ìýbuilding consultants communicate with parents, administrators and classroom teachers regarding the results of the identification process and recommendationsÌýfor programming.Ìý In all cases, programs and services are determined byÌýstudentÌýneed, not merelyÌýidentification.Ìý

If you are a student or have a student who is exhibiting significant academic needs beyond the regular curriculum, .Ìý