Ready to Assist with Enrollment, Registration and Student Records
The DMPS Welcome Center, located at 1000 Porter Ave., provides assistance for families new to the district who want to learn more about the many educational opportunities available.
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Closed for 30 minutes around noon for lunch.
Note: The Welcome Center will be closed all day on Friday, January 17, for training.
Please refer to the sections in the menu to the right for additional information or contact the appropriate enrollment office listed below with your enrollment-related questions.
Whether you are seeking a half-day or full-day preschool program, the Early Childhood Staff is available to assist with enrolling students in the various programs offered by the district. The staff will describe the numerous programs offered to ensure the student has a quality preschool experience. Appointments are appreciated but walk-ins are also welcomed. Preschool/Early Childhood: 515-242-7588
New Families
Whether you are enrolling your first child into kindergarten or are new to the community, the Enrollment Center Staff is available to help enroll children throughout the year. The staff will ensure proper documentation has been received, all records have been requested and families are advised to which school they are assigned. No appointment necessary. New Student Registration: 515-242-7371
Student Records
Whether you need a copy of your transcripts, diploma or immunization records, the Enrollment Center Staff is available to help you obtain that information. Requests are accepted via the online ordering system, but the Enrollment Center Staff is available to answer any questions. No appointment necessary. Student Records: 515-242-7371
Within-District Transfers and Open Enrollment
Whether you wish to enroll in a different DMPS school or a different school district, the Enrollment Center Staff is available to assist families with both programs. The staff will advise which paperwork is needed and is available to describe the process, so families are familiar with the expectations. No appointment necessary. Within-District Transfers and Open Enrollment: 515-242-7371